Opt-out Request

We comply with all laws regarding opt-outs and privacy; however, short of a legal mandate or court order requiring an opt-out, we typically allow people, but not companies, to be removed from public view in accordance with the terms of our opt-out policy. To remove your name from public view:
  1. Visit the page on corporationwiki that you wish removed from public view.
  2. Copy the URL from that page into the box below.

    A valid URL starts with "https://www.corporationwiki.com/" and can be found in the address bar of your browser. Be sure you are on your personal profile page, not a company profile page. A personal profile URL will generally have the name of the person in the actual URL.
  3. Enter your email address and name in the authorization section below.
  4. Click on the button at the bottom of this page stating that you agree to the terms.
  5. Check your email for a verification link and click on it. The verification email should arrive almost immediately. If you cannot find the message, check your spam folder. If you continue to be unable to find the message, add the domain corporationwiki.com to your spam whitelist and submit your opt-out request again.


You will receive an email notification upon submitting this form. You MUST verify your request by clicking the verification link in the email. The contact information entered below will never be sold, rented, leased, or used for marketing purposes of any kind, and will solely be used to facilitate your opt-out request unless another use is specifically required by law.

By entering your Electronic Signature below, you swear under penalty of perjury that you are agreeing to our Terms of Use and you are affirming that you are the person listed on the URL entered above, or that you are legally authorized by the person to make this request on their behalf.

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